Friday, September 16, 2011

Always about the heart

Text for the week:  John 14:1-14

As a young man, I remember searching to remain as close to God as possible.  I didn’t do this perfectly; as a matter of fact, like most teenagers, I was far from it. But God was patient with me as we grew in our relationship with each other.  I remember a conversation I had with my father concerning my continued trips to the altar in our church.  I asked him when I would ever get over the need to come and pray — most times in confession — and I will never forget his answer: “Never.”

That has shaped me in ways that I’ve always been grateful for.  It has served as a constant reminder that God is bigger than me and my ability to “rein Him in.” There is always more for me to know, experience and do.

It also taught me that humility is a part of our journey of faith.  It’s humbling to walk down the aisle to the altar in front of everyone, especially when you might have to walk over 13 people just to get to the aisle.  I’m no different than you — I have to fight my own demons, being more concerned about what others are thinking about me than what God is saying to me at the time.

This reminds me that even in the process of doing good, our faith rests in our hearts, our passions, our desires and our willingness to respond when God calls.

That’s what revival is all about.  It’s about the heart.  It’s about making sure we’re doing what we do from a heart that is shaped by the things of God.  We want to love others, but love them in the right way — the way God loves.  We want to see people as God sees them — even ourselves.  We want to do what God would do if He were here.

 Understanding what this love looks like is vitally important to our faith and relationship with God.  As we examine our hearts this week, let’s remember that it’s always about the heart.  Let’s protect it and allow God to keep and shape it, so we can love, see and do as He would.

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