carries a lot or meaning for me. In my
home growing up, it was the day we busted out the Christmas decorations. It was the first day Christmas music could be
played in our house, and we put up the tree and hung the lights. My dad would get out his Dickens Village, his
trains, and our house was transformed every year from 8:00 a.m. – noon
Thanksgiving Day. My dad thought the
best way to celebrate Thanksgiving was by beginning our preparation for
also meant the agony of watching another Lions loss on national TV. We would quickly follow that by eating away
our pain with the traditional turkey and fixings feast — affectionately called
“therapeutic eating.” The afternoon
would wrap up with a nap. Not much has
changed over the years for me. As a
matter of fact, nothing has, including the Lions and the nap.
the way, though, new traditions have come; shopping at 3:00 a.m. for Black
Friday sales, the Ohio State/Michigan game, and transitioning from alternating
holidays with our kids and my parents to my kids and their children alternating
with us.
us around here, it means a break. This
break reminds us to reflect on what we are thankful for. We have a lot to be thankful for, but today
my thoughts have gone to a place in the world currently ravaged by missiles. It is a place where no one celebrates
Thanksgiving, and very few celebrate Christmas.
They aren’t getting a “break” this week.
As a matter of fact, they might be thrown headlong into war. It is a confusing time for them, and a
challenging time for us to think about. What
is it that makes us thankful during times such as these?
want to say our thankfulness is shaped by the first verse in Chapter 11 of
Hebrews, and the four-letter word contained therein; that word is “hope.” “Hope” is a word we will hear a lot between
Thanksgiving and Christmas. It will come at us as we walk through Advent, anticipating
the coming of the Christ, “hoping” for a better day. We long for things that can’t be seen, as
Scripture says, with conviction. We’ve
never known a world without war, disaster, hunger, pain, and death, but we long
for the day when all that will end. We
know that what is happening in parts of our world isn’t the last word, because
we have hope.
Hope. For us who live in the West, hope is easier
to think about than it is for others who sit in refugee camps and bomb
shelters. Though this may be the current
reality for many, we long for things that have yet to be seen. So this week as we reflect on all we have to
be thankful for, hang the decorations, put up the lights, watch another
meaningless Lions game, shop while listening to Michael Buble, let’s also remember
those for whom no music is playing, no decorations are going up, no game is
being watched (there is mercy somewhere), and no turkey is being eaten. Let us
remember those for whom hope seems a long way off.
Text for the
week: Hebrews 11:1
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